Thursday, June 30, 2005

New Google products

Google unveiled three new products this week! It's no surprise that Google is now the highest valued media stock.

Google Earth (beta) is a lot like Google Maps, but it runs as a Windows application rather than in your browser. It's much faster and it zooms in and out as you move around the globe or enter a street address. I was able to download it last night before they removed it today. I don't think they've explained why they removed the download, but it is in beta and they've posted a message to check back daily.

Personalized Search (beta) will now produce search results that are filtered based on your prior search history. There is also a calendar that shows your history color-coded by search volume per day. You can see each search phrase and which webpages you opened from the search results. It will be interesting to see how this will affect AdWords results.

Google Video (beta) was also released this week. I read a post on the Googleblog about video search in January and wasn't sure how long it would take to build up a decent index of transcripts. I think this feature might be useful for those times when you catch the last few minutes of a show, find out it wasn't recording and want to see what happened earlier in the episode.

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